The Buzz about Coffee Beans

Not only do I absolutely adore coffee in the morning, but I’ve come to believe it is a magic bullet. Yes, it can cause symptoms for some folk when it comes to digestion and/or high blood pressure, but other than that the new findings that coffee is very healthy for us overpowers the minimal side effects for the majority of people. Coffee is the perfect pick-me-up for all sorts of reasons!

The java bean has been found to improve circulation and reduce unsightly cellulite. It serves as a vaso-restrictor on blood vessels reducing varicose veins, plumps skin with a healthy glow, darkens skin as a natural skin tanner, revives and smoothes skin and the most significant finding is how coffee fights cancer.

Yes, it fights and destroys many forms of cancer including skin cancer. Caucasians in cooler, northern regions who use coffee have significantly lower occurrences of skin cancer in contrast to those who don’t drink coffee. Many women living in warmer climates world-wide have known a long time about the benefits of coffee upon the skin. Coffee is healthful as both a preventative and healing agent, both ingested orally and applied topically to the skin.
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